Thank You For Your Interest In Joining
The Darien Woman's Club!
Membership is open to all who live or work in Darien and the surrounding areas.
There is No Residency Requirement.
See our Membership Application linked below for 2024-2025 ~
See our Membership Application linked below for 2024-2025 ~

Why Join DWC ?
Community Service: Through community service projects and fundraisers you will help others in need.
Personal Growth: Develop leadership skills, public speaking, contacts with businesses and public officials.
Self-Enrichment: Develop personal skills, such as creative writing, crafts, etc.
Friendship: Meet others with similar interests and talents!
Our Club’s Social & Interest Groups

When & Where Do You Meet ?
General meetings in 2024 will be held at:
Alpine Banquets 8230 South Cass Avenue, Darien Illinois 60651
Our meetings are held the First Wednesday of the month,
September through May:
Doors open at 6:30pm
Program begins at 7 pm, followed by the business meeting.
For special events, start time may vary.
Check our calendar for event details.
How Do I Become A Member ?
Complete the DWC application form, the link is above.
Include first year’s dues with the application.
Mail to DWC mailing address or attend one of our General Meetings.